My Workout at the Worst Pool in Los Angeles

August 22, 2016

I’ve swum laps at a number of city pools around town over the years. I can count five off the top of my head, with my favorite being the pool built for the 1932 Olympics. Most of the pools are pretty easy to get to, but there’s always been a closer one, in my own neighborhood, that has eluded me. It’s called the Read the rest of this entry »

Dealing With Depression By Doing Two of My Favorite Things

May 29, 2015

I’ve been blue the past week and a half. I often get this way after big races, and the One World Trade Center event in Manhattan certainly qualifies as a big race. I’ve been good about exercising since I’ve been back from New York, but other things have suffered. My eating, for one, hasn’t been great, and I haven’t been productive with other things I have going on.

This post isn’t about depression, though. It’s about getting over a depression. I was tired of feeling unmotivated and lethargic. I was tired of being the guest of honor at my own pity party. So I thought about what I could do that would make me feel better. And I came with two activities, neither of which I had done in a long time, that might just goose me out of this funk. Then I decided to do both in one day.

Here’s a hint about the first one: Read the rest of this entry »

Busted By a Stranger

November 7, 2013

Guess where I’m writing this post! No, really. Guess!

If you guessed the juror assembly room at the Los Angeles County Superior Courthouse, you win! Three cheers for jury duty. I’m waiting to see if I’ll get assigned to a trial. Meanwhile, I got nothing but time to put together a blog post, so here goes!

Yesterday I returned, after a 37-day hiatus, to the pool. I felt pretty good in the water, and swam 3,200 yards in 70 minutes. How do I look with a swim cap and goggles?


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A Change of Plans at the Gym

February 24, 2013

I had an experience at the gym recently that I’m trying to hold on to as a teaching experience. Basically, things weren’t gong my way, but I turned things around, and I’m proud of myself for doing so. Here’s what went down:

I got a guest pass at a new (to me) gym a few weeks ago. I’m not really in the market to switch gyms, but it’s fun to try new facilities and switch things up a bit. The first time I went to the gym, I had a good, if not standard, workout. But I noticed the gym had a pool, which was very exciting news. I like swimming, but I’ve never had a gym with a pool, so I swim in public pools in various parks. I like the outdoor public pools I’ve discovered around town (including my favorite pool EVER), but the hours are crappy (they’re only open 3 hours each day on the weekend), so having an indoor pool available on an expanded schedule was very enticing. I made plans to bring my swimsuit next time I visited that gym, three days later.


Those three days couldn’t come fast enough. I started hyping up this workout in my head: “I can’t wait to get in the water. It’s been MONTHS since I went swimming. It’s gonna feel great, and I’m gonna feel great. Maybe I’ll start swimming every week! Maybe even EVERY DAY!”

Finally, the day arrived, and I went to the gym after work, changed into my swimsuit, grabbed my goggles, and headed to the pool deck. I was ready to go. And then, I started noticing things…

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Less Than Two Weeks Away…

August 6, 2012

My next fitness event has really been sneaking up on me. Yesterday, while looking at my calendar, I realized it was less than two weeks away. Gulp.

In less than two weeks, I’ll be participating in my first open water swim. It’s 1.2 miles, off the coast of Venice Beach, and, on paper, I’m prepared. I’ve stuck to my training plan of swimming laps once a week since I registered, in addition to my other workouts. I’ve bought a wetsuit, and went to the ocean to try it out. I’ve done practice swims where I’ve built up to swimming over 1.2 miles without stopping. I should feel ready. And yet I don’t.

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Creating My Own Olympic Memories

July 30, 2012

Check it out, I’m in LONDON!

Okay, Okay, I’m lying. I’m nowhere near London. But I did have a fantastic afternoon on Saturday that directly connects me to the events happening over in England. Everything about this post has me nerding out, so get ready, because I learned a ton putting it together, and hopefully you’ll learn something too.

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There’s Always Room For…

July 24, 2012


I can’t remember the last time I had Jell-O. It’s been years. I used to make it with some frequency growing up. One time, my friends Jonathan, Jocelyn and I used it with great success in an 11th-grade physics project that involved designing a structure that would catch an egg dropped from 10 feet. We filled a pie plate with various squishy foodstuffs, like Jell-O and marshmallows, and ta-da! Our egg landed safely, without so much as a crack in its shell.

A few weeks ago, I was at my local GNC, stocking up on protein powder, when I saw this on one of the shelves. It’s not Jell-O brand, but close enough:

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Olympic-Style Training

July 11, 2012

Yesterday morning I awoke at 6:30am to hit the pool before work. I barely felt awake by the time I arrived. In fact, I made it all the way into the locker room before realizing I brought my work bag in with me, and left my gym bag in the car, instead of the other way around. So, after walking all the way back across the park to my car and swapping bags, I finally changed and arrived poolside.

And I was greeted with a very pleasant surprise.

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3,200 Yards + 555 Feet

July 6, 2012

I got home from the pool a little while ago, and I’m exhausted. I reek of chlorine. I think there’s still a little water trapped somewhere in my ear.

But I had a great workout!

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July 1, 2012

Two topics today. Shall I start with the pool or the haul? I say pool.

1) Pool. The training continues for my upcoming open water swim in the Pacific Ocean. I had scheduled to go to the pool for a swim on Friday morning before work, but I ended up sleeping through that alarm and didn’t make it (I exercised after work, though, so it wasn’t an unplanned rest day).

So I headed to the pool on Saturday morning, with a brand new pair of goggles that were a recent purchase at Sport Chalet. It was the first time I’ve been goggle shopping in years, and I was completely overwhelmed at the selection. I vaguely remember, as a kid, having about 8 brands/types of goggles to choose from at MC Sporting Goods in suburban Detroit, but Sport Chalet stocked probably close to a hundred options:

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