One Morning. Two Separate Stair Races. My First Triumphant Double Header! (2017 SkyRise Chicago and Chicago CF Climb Race Recaps)

November 7, 2017

There are many reasons why I love competing in stair races, but the very first thing that hooked me was the overwhelming feeling that comes after I cross a finish line – a one-of-a-kind swirl of pride, accomplishment, invincibility, pain and exhaustion. Prior to my involvement in this sport, I had never felt it before, and now I can’t get enough of it. This picture, taken moments after crossing a finish line on Saturday, is the closest I’ve come to capturing that feeling:

Now, when I look at it, I can see every component of that feeling pretty clearly: Read the rest of this entry »

Five Stair Races in the Next Three Months… I Need Your Help!

October 2, 2017

The end of the year is coming soon, but there’s no time to rest. I’ve done seven stair races so far in 2017, and I’ve got five more lined up between now and the end of December!

Photo from the US Bank Tower race a week and a half ago, taken on the final flight of stairs, 75 stories up!

I’ll be racing in four different cities – including two I’ve never raced in before. I’m Read the rest of this entry »

Race Recap: Chicago CF Climb 2014

November 10, 2014

It was only seven days ago that I raced up 103 floors in the Willis Tower. Yesterday, it was time to race again! The Chicago CF Climb (benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation) was held in the 58-story 300 North LaSalle building.


This was the first stair race where I didn’t Read the rest of this entry »

Looking Forward…to TWO Races in Chicago!

September 29, 2014

It’s been over a week since my last stair race (my very successful ascent up the US Bank Tower). This past week has definitely been an “off” week for me. There was lots of food I wouldn’t otherwise eat. (I even visited a drive-thru. Or two.) I skipped workouts so my body could recover. I’m just now starting to get back into the swing of things. I worked out both days this weekend, and ate great as well. I’m starting to get focused again… and I have a LOT to focus on, because my next race is a little over a month away! And it’s in a completely different time zone!

I announced last month that I’m heading to Illinois for SkyRise Chicago, the stair race at the Willis (formerly Sears) Tower. And now I have another exciting race announcement: I’m Read the rest of this entry »