You Can Learn a Lot About How You Lose Weight… From Your Genes

July 12, 2016

Anyone want to guess what I’m doing in this photo?


If you guessed ‘swabbing my mouth to get a genetic sample,’ DING DING DING! You’re right!

A few months ago, a company called Genetic Direction reached out and Read the rest of this entry »

The Month Flew By! My Final Thoughts on Personal Trainer Food

January 31, 2016

At the end of December, I started a Personal Trainer Food program called RECON. They provided me with a four-week supply of food, and I followed their program diligently. On simple terms, it’s a very low-carb program (no grains, no sugar, almost no fruit), and I was eager to switch up my eating. So for the past month, I’ve been enjoying their food (which is basically all proteins and veggies), and having meals like this:

Italian Style Meatballs with Omaha Vegetable Blend

Italian Style Meatballs with Omaha Vegetable Blend

The month flew by! It seems like it’s only been a few days since Read the rest of this entry »