7 Tips to Stay Healthy At All Those Holiday Parties

There’s a reason so many people gain weight over the holidays, and it’s because there’s so many parties, family dinners, get-togethers, and celebrations, all of which add up to… Food everywhere, all the time! And not much of it is healthy!

Here are my seven tips to help you get through all these functions without popping any buttons on your pants.

1) Don’t Arrive Hungry. It doesn’t matter if it’s a full-blown dinner party or a simple get-together – eat something healthy before it starts. Get some food in your stomach so you aren’t ravenous. That way, you won’t be reaching for every mini-quiche or piece of fudge that crosses your path.

2) Drink, Drink, Drink! (Water, Water, Water) Drink a big glass before you go, and drink a glass or two before you eat a thing. It’s another trick to help you feel full without consuming vast amounts of gingerbread or fruitcake. It also might be helpful for you to carry a glass as you navigate the party –  keeping your hands occupied with a cup might help prevent you from scooping up handfuls of M&Ms.

3) Identify the Healthiest Options. Survey all the offerings before putting anything on your plate. Is there a veggie platter? Is there fruit? Find the most guilt-free item, and stock up. I find it helpful to know what I can turn to if I’m really feeling peckish later on.

4) Make Your Splurges Count. You don’t have to be perfect. It’s a party – enjoy yourself! If there are foods you wouldn’t normally eat that you want to sample, then go for it – but be reasonable. I like trying new things, so I’m more likely to splurge on someone’s homemade cookie that I’ve never tried before, as opposed to something from a tray of supermarket cookies that I’ve eaten throughout my life.

5) Walk Away. If you hang out by the chips and dip, chances are you’ll probably eat more chips and dip that you should. So do your chit-chat and catching up away from the food table.

6) Eat Slowly. It’s not a race! Fix a plate, walk away (see #5), and take your time eating it! Set your fork or plate down in between bites. No one’s going to steal your grub.

7) Bring Something Healthy! If it’s a potluck (and a lot of holiday parties are), bring something guilt-free to share. I bring food to parties all the time, and I never bring anything I can’t eat copious amounts of. If it’s not a potluck, call the host and offer to help. If they decline your offer because they have it under control, than follow their wishes and come empty-handed. But if they take you up on your offer, than huzzah! Swing through the produce section and knock yourself out!

Want some healthy party recipes? Check out my roasted garbanzo beans, my healthier cheese ball, and my chicken cordon bleu toasts (seen below).

Share your tips in the comments section below!

Keep it up, David!


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2 Responses to 7 Tips to Stay Healthy At All Those Holiday Parties

  1. Sandy Stewart says:

    Thanks David. It’s a good reminder. Have a wonderful holiday! Sandy

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