June Weigh-In Results and Workout Progress Report

Remember the depression I mentioned last week? I’m feeling much better (thank you for all your messages and encouragement!), but I gotta address that depression one last time, because it had an effect on my weight. I do a weigh-in on the first of every month, and this one came after nearly two weeks of feeling kinda low. As a result, this is what I added to my weight loss chart the other morning:


It’s a bummer. Two months of gaining in a row is a bummer. Regaining the pounds I lost over the past 7 months or so is a bummer.


But here’s what I already now: I don’t need to see the gain in ink to turn this ship around, because I already turned the ship around. That happened a few days ago. This weigh-in confirmed the damage that was done, but it wasn’t a shock. I know how I was eating, and I knew it had to stop. So I stopped it, got myself on a better path, and instead of dwelling on the gain, I’m putting it behind me, because I’d rather focus on what’s ahead.

I’d also rather focus on the positives, and there are a lot of positives. A weight of 250 means I’ve lost and kept off 150 pounds. I had a check-up recently, and my blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol are at awesome levels. When I look at my weight loss chart as a whole, it’s basically one giant, 6-page positive.


Another positive is that even though my eating may have derailed somewhat after getting back from my New York trip (read about my food, exercise, and the awesome race I did), my exercise never derailed. And that brings me to Part Two of this post, my…


The month of May was a great one for exercise, especially considering I was out-of-town twice, and it’s tempting to not exercise when you’re out of your normal element.

Here’s the deal: I log all my workouts on my calendar. Each workout gets a dot and some scribbled notes of what I did. My goal is to work out six days every week, with the seventh being a rest day. Here’s my calendar for May:


I worked out 26 times in 31 days. That’s an 83% success rate – just a hair under my 85% goal. Four of those workouts were classes at Slimmons, and another six were lifting weights. Soon I’ll be embarking on a little program to boost my strength training… so keep your eyes peeled for that – it’s something you can do too! Well, ‘soon’ isn’t the right word. It’s gonna happen in July.

The last thing I monitor on a monthly basis is my Cardio Miles chart. I log the distances I accumulate doing any type of cardio, because I’m a nerd and every once in a while, I like plotting how much cardio I’ve done on a map.


I did 47.5 miles of cardio in May! I’ve averaged 48.8 miles per month so far in 2015, and May’s total is basically on par with that.

Yup, lots of positives to keep front and center in my brain… and they’re especially important to remember when the scale displays a number you didn’t want to see!

Keep it up, David!


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6 Responses to June Weigh-In Results and Workout Progress Report

  1. Chris Browning P.T says:

    David I love this. If you’re happy for me to do so I’ll print this and use it when talking to clients about setting goals and tracking progress – you’ve got it absolutely spot on. Keep up the good work! Chris

  2. maryam says:

    Keep it up David- You are not alone- Going through the same thing too! It’s not easy but you are on the right path. You are aware and you know what you need to do and more importantly you are doing it! Keep pushing forward!

  3. Karen P says:

    I really admire you for taking a big picture approach. And for dealing with the ups and downs of the cycle of life. Keep it up, David. I applaud you for keeping metrics and data. Just love it so, so much!

    I don’t even want to think where I would be without my data. My “all” graph on MFP has change my thinking and my day-to-day decisions many times. Onward!!

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