April Weigh-In and Workout Progress Report

Hope everyone had a hippity-hoppity Easter! The Easter bunny didn’t leave me one piece of chocolate or a single jelly bean – awesome! I owe him a thank you note. I don’t want that stuff in my house anyway.

I spent part of my Easter climbing stairs with friends Dan and Juliana.

We spent two hours walking around Beechwood Canyon, a neighborhood is Los Angeles that’s loaded with stairs. Six public stairways, each one ranging from 118-178 steps, including the Woodshire double stairs, above. We climbed each stairway three times. That’s 2,580 total steps up! (And 2,580 steps down.) That’s 1.5 times the Eiffel Tower!

For more information about the stairs of Beechwood Canyon, check out this blog post, and this one, too – one of them was a filming location for “This Is Us”!

Time for my various monthly check-ins and updates. Because I’m a nerd about many things, including my health!

Let’s start with my weight loss chart. I updated it with my April 1 weigh-in results, and…

I stayed the same! Maintenance is always a win. I’ve been very consistent lately – my weigh-ins, for months now, have been within a few pounds of each other.

And, of course, the big picture is still equally impressive. I used to weigh 402 pounds. Now I weigh 253, and I’m in my seventh year of weight loss maintenance!

Moving on to my workout progress report. I’m trying something new this month. I keep a calendar where I write down all my workouts, and normally I post a picture of it every month (like I did in last month’s post), with all the non-workout stuff blurred out. But blurring out everything else is a hassle, so instead I’m posting a much simpler version on here.

This is much easier to see, don’t you think? Every purple dot is a workout. Dots with circles around them are group fitness classes. The letter ‘W’ refers to it being a weight-lifting workout, and ‘R’ refers to there being a race that day. Some notes:

  • Four rest days. Two of them were travel days, getting to and from Paris, and while I didn’t have a dedicated workout those days, I was still active (apart from the 11 hours I was sitting in an airline seat). I think we can all agree that traveling is exhausting, and you cover a lot of ground walking around enormous airport terminals!
  • 10 group fitness classes! That may be an all-time record. Six of them were at-home classes that I did with LIFT Session (read about them here); one was a cardio-aerobics class that my friend Anne teaches that I’ve taken for years; three were at another group fitness place that I’m going to be blogging about soon. Stay tuned!
  • Six weightlifting workouts. I try for one a week, so this is a great monthly number.
  • And FYI, the two races were the Eiffel Tower Vertical, and the Tustin Hangar 5K that I did a day before leaving for France.

Finally: Cardio Miles. I track the distance I cover during my workouts, and keep a running tally. I’m inching closer and closer to hitting the 4,000-mile mark. This month, I crossed the 3,900-mile threshold, so I’m within striking distance!

I crossed the 3,900-mile mark by going on a 30-minute walk after taking a LIFT Session workout class.

And here’s the chart for the whole month:

I started March with 3,838.3 total miles, and ended it with 3,912.7 – so that’s 74.4 new miles covered during the month! and 30% of those miles happened during five days in Paris – lots of walking!

Keep it up, David!


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4 Responses to April Weigh-In and Workout Progress Report

  1. Jeffrey Dinkin says:

    Very impressive consistency, nerd!

  2. G.M. Grena says:

    Last time I did Beechwood Canyon a year ago, some of the cases were in poor shape–branches growing over the handrails, dirt piling up on the steps, etc. How were they on this occasion, David? Did you have to duck to avoid any low-hanging branches, or switch handrail sides unexpectedly?

    • David says:

      There were a couple low branches, but I honestly noticed them more on the way down. A couple stairways could use a good sweeping, but all in all, I wasn’t bothered by their condition. We were climbing at a moderate pace.

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