Easter Recipes, Part One: SMOKY ONION DEVILED EGGS!

I had a busy, food-filled Easter. I was invited to two get-togethers, and brought food along to both. I’m sharing my recipes in this post and the next one, starting with… DEVILED EGGS!


Deviled eggs are the best. I love them. I can’t remember the last time I made them – it’s been that long. So I stayed up late Saturday night deviling the crap out of a whole of eggs. I bought five dozen eggs at the store…


…and hard boiled three and a half dozen. I needed two dozen for a family get-together and about eight for a get-together with a few friends. I also boiled some extras, to have around as spares (and to sample the goods!).

RELATED CONTENT: Check out all sorts of healthy recipes here.

All 42 eggs all fit in my biggest saucepot at once, and I turned my sink into a huge ice bath to stop the cooking, and cool them off quickly so I could peel them.


Peeling 42 hard-boiled eggs? What a pain in the ass. By far the most boring and tedious step in this recipe.


After I finished peeling, I halved the eggs, popped the yolks into a bowl, and lined up the whites to refill them.


My recipe for the filling is a little unconventional. I leave out one standard deviled egg ingredient, mustard, and replace another standard, mayonnaise, with nonfat Greek yogurt. I considered renaming these “Angeled Eggs,” because they’re a bit healthier without the mayonnaise, but decided against it because that’s lame. So instead, I call these…


This recipe starts with 2 dozen eggs, and yields 48 deviled eggs. You can use math to reduce it to make a smaller batch, or increase it if you want to make even more, bless your heart.

After separating the whites from the yolks, mash the yolks in a big bowl with 1.5 cups of nonfat Greek yogurt. It’s really easy to use a fork for the mashing.


Have more Greek yogurt on hand – you may want to add more later, to get to your desired creaminess level. I ended up adding about another half cup.

Then add:

  • 3 teaspoons smoked paprika
  • 2 tablespoons finely minced chives (mince and set aside another 2 tablespoons for garnishing)
  • 3 tablespoons bacon bits (I used fake, because my cousin is vegetarian, but use whatever you have or like best)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne
  • 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes, finely chopped. (These add a wallop of flavor!)


Stir it all up, and you got your filling!


I made a little piping bag out of a standard Ziploc bag. I filled it with filling, and cut off a tiny bit of the corner, and used that to fill my deviled eggs. Worked like a charm! In only a few minutes, I had filled deviled eggs on every counter in my kitchen.

I sprinkled a little more smoked paprika on top, because it looked pretty, as well as the chives I set aside earlier, and added one more final touch: each deviled egg got a piece of fried onion shoved in the middle, you know, the kind that usually go on green bean casserole.

TA-DA! Smoky Onion Deviled Eggs!


These little buggers were delicious. The tomatoes and onion perked up the flavor, and the filling was creaming and satisfying.


These are a pretty guilt-free snack, although they required me buying fried onions, which I’ll eat straight out of the container like a snack. I’m used to seeing 6-ounce containers at the store, but I just discovered that French’s makes a 2.8-ounce container, so I bought that, so when I inevitably polish off the rest of the fried onions in one go, I’d be eating much less.


They were a hit at both events!

Keep it up, David!

Coming up in my next post: A bright, flavorful, unique spring salad that pairs mango and… mustard?!? It’s really quite delicious!


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