Enter My 400th Post GIVEAWAY!

Yes, this is technically my 401st post.  But I’m still celebrating my 400th, which you can read here, and you can’t stop me!

It’s been forever since I’ve done a giveaway, and an occasion like reaching my 400th post is too good to let pass without doing something to acknowledge and thank all my lovely, supportive, insightful, and terrific readers.

Here’s what I’m giving away:

An iTunes gift card worth $20!  Winner takes all.  You can spend it on music for your workouts, healthy living apps for your iPhone or iPad, or buy an the entire 4th season of Jersey Shore (and still have a penny left over) – do whatever you want with it!

Like I mentioned yesterday, I’m honored that so many people have been stopping by and (hopefully) enjoying Keep It Up, David lately, and I come to you for help in spreading the word further.  Simply put, I want your help promoting my blog.

Here’s how this’ll work:

Go tell someone about Keep It Up, David.  How you do it doesn’t matter.  Pick up the phone, send an email, text, or tweet, post a link on your Facebook or Google+ wall, have a singing telegram delivered, approach a total stranger in the sidewalk… you know how to reach the people in your life better than I do!

What you tell them is also none of my business.  I hope you’ll share your honest opinion, even if that means directing people here because you think it’s the worst blog ever.  Simple things to do might include providing a link to www.keepitupdavid.com, or recommending my pages on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.  You might point out that a simple way to see what I’m all about is by visiting my The Story So Far… and My Favorite Posts pages.  Again, it’s up to you.

Once you somehow spread the word, come back to THIS POST (entries submitted any other way, like via Twitter or Facebook, won’t be in the running) and leave a comment, telling me about it.  You can be as brief as you’d like.  I don’t need links or proof.  I believe in your honesty, so you’re on the honor system.  You’re honest and honorable, right?

If you choose to go nuts and use multiple forms of communication to tell everyone you know, than that’s wonderful, but I’m gonna limit entries per person to THREE.

Deadline for entries is Friday, October 28th at 12:01am, Pacific Standard Time.  On Friday, I’ll use a random number generator to pick a winner and announce it on the blog.  The winner will have 48 hours to email me with their mailing address at keepitupdavid@gmail.com to claim their prize.  If they don’t email in time, I’ll draw another winner, and reset the clock at 48 hour, and so on.

Questions?  Comments?  GOOD LUCK!

Oh – I should mention that I’m not in cahoots with iTunes.  I purchased the gift card myself.

Before I sign off, I just want to mention how happy I am that it’s Friday!  I determined earlier this week that Friday would be a rest day, and tonight I had a great workout, for the sixth day in a row.  I did 5 minutes of warm-up on the treadmill, then 40 minutes with weights (and I threw in my 18 burpees, too), and then 12 minutes of brisk and steep inclined walking on the treadmill.  I am exhausted.

Keep it up, David!

41 Responses to Enter My 400th Post GIVEAWAY!

  1. Cindy says:

    I liked your facebook page and I told my daughter all about your site so she could come check it out!! Now I am going to find some others to tell so I can enter 2 more times 🙂 Keep it up David.

  2. Maren says:

    I’ve recommended your blog to others, but I don’t need/want to be in the draw because I don’t use iTunes anymore. 🙂 Keep it up!

  3. Rebecca says:

    I liked your facebook page.. I tell everyone about your blog and have shared it with several friends… You are an awesome inspiration… Keep it up!

  4. I’ve liked your Facebook page from the beginning, so that’s a tough way haha. I linked to your page in a status update, however. I have many friends who are trying to lose a lot of weight (one has successfully lost 100 pounds so far!) and hopefully she, and the others, will see your page as even more inspiration! Keep it up, David!

  5. Kim says:

    I shared your link via Facebook today! I love reading you daily and have shared your link before with friends. Although I’ve never felt “worthy” (???, not sure if that’s the right word ..), a chance at free giftcards was enough of a poke to share some more. (=

    Thanks for the daily enjoyment!!! You’re looking amazing … keep it up David! ~Kim

  6. Hannah says:

    I texted my aunt about your blog : ) She is trying to lose weight and I think she would love to read it!

  7. Jen says:

    I shared your blog with my entire documentary team at our most recent editing meeting since you were so nice to share our fundraising event with all your tweeps!

  8. Hannah says:

    I told my boss about your blog at work today : )

  9. Hannah says:

    I just sent a link to a few of your recipes to my sister who loves to cook!

  10. Pat says:

    I told Richard Simmons about your blog. He said he already knew about it. I’m out.

  11. Joanne Greene says:

    I often share your blog posts on my Facebook page. Last one I shared was about dragon fruit.

  12. Joanne Greene says:

    I handed out your blog business cards to friends.

  13. Joanne Greene says:

    I gave our mutual friend, Betty D., your blog info and she liked it.

  14. Eva walls says:

    I told my friend dho was needing some inspiration. You can do it and so can he!

  15. doodle741 says:

    I told my mother-in-law about your blog — keep up the great work!!

    residentmayor at satx.rr.com

  16. Arlene AWL says:

    I just tweeted about your blog! 😉

  17. I shared on twitter and told my family/friends 🙂 @MissingLynxx – best of luck to you!

  18. Jen says:

    I also showed your blog to my friends between laser tag games last night using my iPhone.

  19. lanae says:

    I start my day reading your blog and it always makes me smile and encourages me. I told both of my sisters and several friends!


  20. Krystle Rogers says:

    I told my friends who I walk with about your page. Such an inspiration.

  21. Leesa says:

    Told a friend

  22. Lois Calma says:

    I started following your blog after seeing you on Ellen. I needed to lose some weight and you were an inspiration. i purchased a richard simmons sweating to the oldies dvd and began exercising and moving around more. I have move to a new town a more beautiful place, my hubby and I eat better and are still losing weight . I even have a weight loss chart like yours so far 3 pages lon and minus 30 lbs. 35 more to go!!! thank you for your truthfulness and inspiration, I have shared your page on my fb.

  23. Corinthe says:

    I told my husband & mum about your amazing blog! I love seeing a new post come up, it’s like catching up with a really good friend-thanks for sharing your journey with us.

  24. Maddie says:

    I posted your link on my facebook page. I need to lose about a 100 pounds and i know some other people who need some inspiration to start living a more healthy life.

  25. Jason Loucks says:

    I told my friend on Facebook and Twitter about your blog. It’s one of the better blogs out there I think. It’s nice to see how you live your life and how you can inspire so many people.

  26. Cheri says:

    I always tell people about you David! I think that you are an inspiration to us all!! You have come so far, and you show that your human, that you “fall off the wagon” like the rest of us, but you climb back on. It shows me that I can do this too!

    I have told my best friend and my sister about your blog and they have both checked it out:)

  27. Mary Larson says:

    I told my friend about your blog, and she has been trying to get in shape for a while, but lacked motivation. Reading your blog has given her hope, and she is starting s new workout program today, and I really think she’ll stick with it because of you! You are also a huge inspiration to me!

  28. Jen Bell says:

    I shared your website with my FIT class on Thursday night!

    It was a crazy emotional night. The entire class was motivating one person to keep going by holding our count to hers (we had already “finished” our own drill). She wanted to give up but the emotional support of the class kept her going. I shared your website as you are an inspiration to keep going!

  29. I have liked your FB page and I recommended your blog to my Mom. She is now a huge fan.

    I often forward the daily post to a friend who I think it might resonate with!

  30. Emily G says:

    Hi David!! I love your blog! I texted my sister and three other friends (all of whom are in the weight loss process). You are so motivating and positive. I love all of your honesty. My pleasure sharing your pages!

  31. gkb1981 says:

    Hi David,

    I tell people all about your blog all the time. On Facebook, and when holding them hostage and telling them the exciting things that happen! I’ve been following your story for a few months now – and in that time, I have lost 50 pounds of my own (since July 1). Your stories and anecdotes inspire me, among all the others that have been inspired! Keep it up David!

  32. Bella says:

    Congrats on your 400th post – I just passed my 900th this summer. 🙂

    I mentioned your blog to my sister, because she and I love to cook, and you always have such unique ingredients in your recipes.

  33. Denise says:

    I shared your blog on my google+ page.

  34. Denise says:

    I tweeted about your blog too.

  35. Jen Weidenhof says:

    I liked you on FB and told my bestest friend about your site – we have our own “meetings” once a week to check our weigh-ins and we even give each other stickers!

  36. Great site! I just tweeted to my 4K+ followers about how much I love it. Keep up the great work 🙂


  37. Kari says:

    I shared about you on Facebook and I linked to your blog a few weeks ago on my blog. That’s gotta count for something. 🙂

  38. Marjorie says:

    I just found your website and I absolutely love it!

  39. alilofthisalilofthat says:

    I just found you from PFG!! Love your blog. Can’t wait to search around and read some more posts:) Oh.. and I just liked you on FB too!!

  40. Katie J says:

    Posted on my wall on Facebook – thanks for the opportunity David!

  41. Arlene Hittle says:

    I tweeted about your blog (and saw you RT). Almost forgot to come back and tell you about it, though.

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