Various Monday Food Notes

A few disjointed thoughts – although all of them are about food.  Well, not the first one.  But all the rest.  (I couldn’t think of a snappy title… after reading, if you have a good title idea for future posts that feature a variety of topics, let me know in the comments section!)

1)  When I left work tonight, it was raining.  It made my evening.  Rain in Los Angeles is rare.  Any type of weather in Los Angeles makes for a nice change.  I hope it rains more, but I never pay attention to weather reports, so when it does, it’s always a nice surprise.

2) I’ve tried the pineapple guava that I bought at the farmer’s market on Saturday.  Here’s what they look like on the inside:

Once I quartered them and separated the flesh from the skin, there wasn’t much edible fruit that remained, but since I paid a quarter a piece for them, I’m not complaining about it.  I liked how they tasted – a little sour and tart, a nice crisp bite.  As for the flavor, well, the best I can describe it was that it tasted tropical to me.  Like a tropical Lifesaver or Starburst – but a little more sour.  Not the best description, huh?

3) I’ve lived in Los Angeles for 8 years.  So when was the first time I hung out in the Little Tokyo neighborhood downtown?  Yesterday.   Sad, but true.  My friend Jonathan, who’s visiting from New York, and I went to the Geffen Contemporary at MOCA (which is housed in a really cool space that was converted from a former police car warehouse into a museum), and then we walked around Japanese Village Plaza, a shopping area full of gift shops and restaurants:

There was a Japanese grocery store, where I picked these up:

Fried Fish Balls!  In two different flavors – Age Ball and Minch Ball!  They caught my eye because they looked tasty, and seemed to be made of magical ingredients.  Each fish ball is only 25 calories, and the Minch Balls (on the left) have 1 gram of fat per ball, while the Age Balls (on the right) are fat free.  How do the Japanese fry something and keep it fat-free?   They really have thought of everything.  And only $1.99 per package!

I took 6 of the Age Balls as part of my lunch today, and they were fantastic.  You would never guess they’re fish – they’re highly processed, like imitation crab, but with no fishy smell.  These had a sweet glaze on them that was almost maple-syrup-like.  I’ll try the Minch Balls later this week – will keep you posted.

4) I had three oranges left from the bag of oranges I purchased during my 99 Cent Store Produce Challenge.  This morning, when I went to grab one from the fridge so I could juice it, I noticed that two of the three were moldy and puffy.  I threw all three out.  I bought them 1 week ago today.  I’d like to say I’ll never but produce again from the 99 Cent Store, but in all likelihood, I probably just won’t buy oranges.  For now.  The peaches, pears, and mini bell peppers that I bought during the challenge have all worked out just fine, and a 3 out of 4 success rate is pretty good in my book.

5) My new roommate, the brussel sprout stalk, is now wandering around my condo half naked.

The bottom half went into part of tomorrow’s lunch (or dinner, I haven’t decided yet).  I sauteed them in a little PAM, then browned chicken breast pieces in a marinade of nonfat italian dressing, garlic, and lots of various herbs (Oh, and if you read this post out loud to someone, please pronounce that word Mar-In-Odd, like Martha Stewart, and not Mare-In-Aid).  I threw in some heirloom cherry tomatoes with the chicken, and threw in some leftover couscous that I made on Sunday.  The end result, along with the rest of tomorrow’s lunch and dinner:

The chicken/brussel sprouts/tomato/couscous dish is top left.  At the bottom is a salad with mixed baby lettuces, yellow bell pepper, sunflower greens, scallion, onion sprouts, capers, sprouted wheatberries, sprouted fenugreek, sprouted sunflower seeds (I should probably discuss all these sprouted things in a future blog, huh?), and a couple teaspoons of light honey mustard dressing.  Everything in the salad, except the dressing and the capers, came from the farmer’s market.  There’s a pint of strawberries and a box of raisins, for a snack.

Keep it up, David!

3 Responses to Various Monday Food Notes

  1. Heidi says:

    I just want to say: Geffen! It’s my favorite museum in the city. Have seen a couple of exhibitions there, and they’ve always knocked my socks off. What’s there right now?

    • David says:

      They didn’t have any special exhibitions, just pieces from their permanent collection. To be honest, I didn’t connect with much there, and kinda thought the space itself was much more interesting than the contents. I’d go back, though, to see other pieces.

  2. Heather says:

    I LOVE Little Tokyo. I especially love the Kinokuniya and that japanese supermarket.

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