Big Changes

The past couple weeks have been very exciting, and I haven’t shared any of it with you. Until today. I’ll get straight to the point:

I’m starting a new job.

I’m lucky that I’ve been able to stay out of the work force for as long as I have, and I’m grateful that I’ve had the time to focus on my health and well-being like I never have before. But the time has come for me to stop dipping into my savings and start adding to them. Time to bring home the bacon. The low-sodium, low-fat, nitrate-free turkey bacon.

This blog has never been about my career, and it never will be, so I’m not going to share where I’ll be working or what I’ll be doing, but I will say that it’s different from the work I’ve done in the past. It plays to my strengths. There will be new challenges, and I’ll be learning a ton. I can’t wait to get started.

I’m pretty sure that this blog played a role (although I’m not sure how big) during the hiring process. It was important to me that my new employers knew about Keep It Up, David, and so I made a point to share it. I’m glad I did – besides showcasing my drive and determination, writing this blog for the past 22 months has helped me develop and nurture a bunch of skills that will directly come in handy in my new job.

As for this blog, don’t worry – it’s not going anywhere. While I’m not going to be sharing any specifics about my work or my company, I will be writing about the challenges that employment brings. It’s going to be tougher to find time to exercise. I’ll need to form new habits so I can continue to make healthy choices regarding my food. I’ll be dealing with the struggles that so many others deal with on a daily basis, and this blog will remain a vital tool for me. I want to stay accountable. I need to stay accountable.

That said, I imagine there might be an adjustment period, and some things, including when and how I post (and how frequently) may evolve. It’s going to be an exciting transition, and I hope you’ll stick around and continue to share your comments, ideas, and support, all of which is so valuable to me.

My first day is on Monday (wheeeee!), and I know that it will bring lots of things that are new. New commute, new workplace, new colleagues, new responsibilities, new pressures, new stress. But some things aren’t going to change: I will still make good decisions. I will continue to take care of myself. I will still value my health. Most of all, I will…

…Keep it up, David!

11 Responses to Big Changes

  1. David – congratulations!! I’m so happy for you. And you sound happy and excited too. I know you can’t and don’t choose to share the details of your new job, and that’s all fine, but I do hope that you will be able to share some things about it. And please don’t neglect your blog. We’d miss you.

  2. cindy says:

    Congrats on a new job… you will do great!

  3. Sylvia Hall says:

    Wonderful! You have such a great attitude and a drive that will see you through. Have a wonderful first day!

  4. Kari says:

    Congratulations! New jobs are always exciting. 🙂 I can’t wait to follow as you figure out your new routine.

  5. Archibald Leach says:

    Are you working at Bethenny?

  6. J. says:

    good luck!

  7. Michele says:

    Fantastic! You deserve a great job to go with you great new physique

  8. susan says:

    Change is always both fun and challenging. Best of luck to you. I hope that you’re happy in your new career ! ! !

  9. Congrats on the new job! New jobs are exciting (and maybe a little scary). You will do great – best of luck!

  10. Janet says:

    Congrats and good luck with your new job. 😉

  11. OOh top secret! Good luck!

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